Fennel Seeds for Everyone
Several months ago Cora was experiencing intermittent chest pains. I was reasonably certain it was some sort of heartburn and treated it homeopathically, since it never seemed to immobilize her. But after about a week of it, I began to worry she was having some sort of heart attack (I know, I know, but I’m a mommy) or something and I was missing all these signs, so I took her to the pediatrician. Just in case.
The pediatrician felt around and asked Cora a few questions. “Where does your chest hurt?”
Cora pointed right around her heart. “Here”.
“And what does your mommy give you when it hurts?”
The pediatrician felt around and asked Cora a few questions. “Where does your chest hurt?”
Cora pointed right around her heart. “Here”.
“And what does your mommy give you when it hurts?”
“Fennel seeds.”
The pediatrician blinked. I slouched down further in my seat.
“And do you eat them?”
Cora nodded.
It’s true. When my girls are having some sort of food-related gassiness or acid reflux-y type thing, I give them fennel seeds. Take a pinch, swallow them with water, and five minutes later your stomach doesn’t hurt any more. I swear.
Fennel seeds have worked so well for Cora that she now prefers it over Tums, and will refuse to take Tums. She’s got a love-hate relationship with wheat, so too much of it will give her a crabby stomach and she’ll go running for the fennel seeds. She now carries a small vial in her backpack so she can pop a few during school if her stomach acts up – all her idea, I promise.
But back to the doctor.
Our doctor, fortunately, is very open to homeopathic treatments and had already heard about the fennel seeds – in fact, uses them herself. So I wasn’t turned into to CPS. Cora, it turned out, had some random acid reflux and the doctor suggested Tums with every meal for a week to blot it out, and Cora (successfully) argued – er, petitioned – the doctor to allow her to do fennel seeds instead. I added a bit of ginger-infused water when necessary, and a couple days later, she was fine.
We now have fennel seed vials in backpacks, purses, bathrooms, and cars – just in case. Yes, we’ve officially become those people.
Cora nodded.
It’s true. When my girls are having some sort of food-related gassiness or acid reflux-y type thing, I give them fennel seeds. Take a pinch, swallow them with water, and five minutes later your stomach doesn’t hurt any more. I swear.
Fennel seeds have worked so well for Cora that she now prefers it over Tums, and will refuse to take Tums. She’s got a love-hate relationship with wheat, so too much of it will give her a crabby stomach and she’ll go running for the fennel seeds. She now carries a small vial in her backpack so she can pop a few during school if her stomach acts up – all her idea, I promise.
But back to the doctor.
Our doctor, fortunately, is very open to homeopathic treatments and had already heard about the fennel seeds – in fact, uses them herself. So I wasn’t turned into to CPS. Cora, it turned out, had some random acid reflux and the doctor suggested Tums with every meal for a week to blot it out, and Cora (successfully) argued – er, petitioned – the doctor to allow her to do fennel seeds instead. I added a bit of ginger-infused water when necessary, and a couple days later, she was fine.
We now have fennel seed vials in backpacks, purses, bathrooms, and cars – just in case. Yes, we’ve officially become those people.
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