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A Lazy, Lounging, Scrounging Sunday

Saturday night Maddie threw up- most likely from too much sugar celebrating her dad’s birthday. But when Sunday morning church time rolled around and she was astonishingly still asleep, we called an audible and skipped church, thinking if she was actually sick we didn’t want to wake her.

Maddie stumbled out of bed right as rain, so we settled into a slow, stay-at-home family day that was, to be honest, much-needed around here.

What did we do? Lessee – hard to really lay it all out there. Cora and I worked in our herb garden a bit, watering the plants and doing a little maintenance. While watering the dill we discovered nine (NINE!) caterpillars munching contentedly on it, obviously bulking up as they prepared for cocooning. A few minutes of yelling excitedly later, the entire family was gathered around the nine (NINE!) caterpillars, watching them munch in breathless wonder. Looks like we’re going to have several butterflies in a couple weeks.

So that, you know, took a good chunk of time.

Maddie needed more glue for a school project, so she and I rode bikes to the corner store to get more, and “happened” to pass by the playground on the way(ish) home.

And that’s, you know, a bit of time too.

We did quite a bit of Legos work, Daddy and Maddie got out their guitars while Cora warmed up our microphone for a while, we read books, and both girls worked a lot in their Mega Dot-to-Dot books. The whole family headed out to get our large jasmine into the ground, the girls enthusiastically digging the whole, “rescuing” roly-polys, trimming roots, and in general getting good and messy. For the grand finale, we ate leftovers and watched more of the BBC documentary “Planet Earth”.

So basically, we geeked out, hung out, and had exactly what we needed – a no-fuss, no-worry, slow-motion Sunday. I had a chance to come up for air from my grieving, look around, see God’s beauty, and take a deep breath.

Which, as it turns out, is just what the doctor ordered.


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