"Pop Fly" Hits Home Run
For those of you not up on your tot rock,
Justin Roberts has a new cd out – href="http://www.amazon.com/gp/redirect.html?ie=UTF8&location=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.amazon.com%2FPop-Fly-Justin-Roberts%2Fdp%2FB001543LOM%3Fie%3DUTF8%26s%3Dmusic%26qid%3D1214190245%26sr%3D8-1&tag=1mother2anoth-20&linkCode=ur2&camp=1789&creative=9325"
target="_blank">Pop Fly. Since Madeleine loves all
things Justin Roberts, she received a copy of the album for her
birthday a few weeks ago. The verdict?
Two enthusiastic toddler thumbs up.
Crack open any Justin Roberts album and
you’ll find more hooks than my grandfather’s tackle
box, and Pop Fly is no exception. The first track on the
album is the title song, and it’s so dang infectious you find
yourself bopping in your seat from the opening notes. Just today
our playtime hit a wall, and I sneaked the cd into the system. When
the first notes came over the speakers, both Cora and Maddie looked
up, grinned, and hopped to their feet. FOUR repetitions later, and
my jumping beans finally deigned to let the album continue to track
two. As Maddie earnestly tried to explain to Daddy later,
“It’s really cool, because it’s all jumpy and
kicky and skippy music, but it’s got ballet music (slow
parts) in the middle that really let me express myself.”
Straight from the dancer’s mouth.
My (I mean, my kid’s) other favorite tracks are
“Henrietta’s Hair” and “The Backyard Super
Kid”, but the album’s loaded. “Stay-At-Home
Dad” has one of my favorite lines - “the way he folds
the laundry/It’s a little naïve/But this man can play a
rock and roll guitar/Like you wouldn’t believe”. How
can you not want to hear more?
I’ve always loved Justin Roberts because I think he captures
the essence of what it’s like to be a kid: fears,
insecurities, pride at small accomplishments. He’s written
songs about moving and leaving the only home you know, about
building a backyard spaceship to the moon, about waiting for the
schoolbus, dealing with bullies – the list is endless, and is
practically a “dear diary” for every kid out there. For
Maddie’s gym birthday party she requested all Justin Roberts
music (yes, there’s something wrong with a 3-year-old making
her own playlist), and we were happy to comply, since I think
he’s got it all over Raffi, especially in how much an adult
can tolerate.
So head out and pick up a copy of Pop Fly; I guarantee
it’ll be your go-to cd for the summer.
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