Pre-Thanksgiving Day Jitters
Tomorrow’s my big visit to the OB
– the one where she takes another sonogram of peanut and see
if she’s gained enough weight. If the answer is
“yes” then I’m fine to keep plugging along; if
the answer is “no” then I may be facing bed rest and an
early delivery.
Obviously I’m not a big fan of bed rest, especially with a
toddler already here. Bed rest feels like the time when I have to
make everyone else in my life work harder so I can lie around and
literally eat bon-bons. But more important, I’d like to avoid
an early delivery; since Maddie was a scheduled c-section, I have a
dream that at least one of my kids will get to come when
she’s good and ready.
So I’ve been taking precautions
– trying to rest a bit more, letting Brian and my mom do more
of the childcare and heavy errands, and oh yes, stuffing my face
madly as directed by my doctor – all in an effort to get that
baby weight up. Has it been enough? We’ll know tomorrow.
I do know that there’s not much more I can do in the eating
department – I’ve downed my share of double-stuffed
oreos and baked potatoes with heavy sour cream on them. But
I’ve been having the same recurring nightmare for the past 3
or so nights now: I dream that I go in for my OB appointment and
she tells me I haven’t gained a single pound since my last
visit. I break down, sobbing, “That’s not possible! How
much more can I eat!”
This is a unique position for me – I have never in my life
been in a place of trying to gain weight (it just sort of
happens naturally for me!). So I’m trying to enjoy it, but
it’s not easy. The extra calories and physical slowdown have
left me feeling sluggish and tired.
And now I definitely know how a turkey feels the day before
Thanksgiving – stuffed and apprehensive.
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